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Modern Haiku
Snapshots of the world - In seventeen syllables - Short and sweet (like life)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Turn off the cooling
on reactor four comrades
What harm could it do?
Let's take a potshot
at the archduke in his car
What harm could it do?
With a small flush of restrained pride, modernhaiku is happy to unveil a brand new literary idiom - the "
What harm could it do? - ku
Berliners snickered
as Jack proudly claimed to be
A small jam doughnut
Microchip sneekers
Uranium Mastercard
Life today; priceless
Monday, March 23, 2009
Pancakes, waffles, toast,
styrofoam. Mere vehicles
for maple syrup.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Granite skies have pressed
fields to diamond. Our voices
fracture brittle air
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The clocks changed last night
What year is it? Do I have
A big bushy beard?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Send men to the moon
And then bring them back safely
Buzz dug that last bit
Friday, March 6, 2009
Can't help but wonder
how long before OctaMom
takes on Spiderman?
Daydream believer
In the tub with Jack and Coke
And rubber ducky
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Blog Archive
Turn off the coolingon reactor four comradesWhat h...
Let's take a potshotat the archduke in his carWhat...
With a small flush of restrained pride, modernhaik...
Berliners snickeredas Jack proudly claimed to beA ...
Microchip sneekersUranium MastercardLife today; pr...
Pancakes, waffles, toast,styrofoam. Mere vehiclesf...
Granite skies have pressedfields to diamond. Our v...
The clocks changed last nightWhat year is it? Do I...
Send men to the moonAnd then bring them back safel...
Can't help but wonderhow long before OctaMomtakes ...
Daydream believerIn the tub with Jack and CokeAnd ...